Quadra Kid's Summer Field Trips

Some of the most popular and eagerly anticipated events of our school age summer program are the Tuesday and Thursday fieldtrips! This year has been particularly exciting with a full program of incredibly enthusiastic kids participating in a wide range of activities. We have been having a great July, full of fun, learning and adventure! Some of our highlights were: visiting the local aquarium and pier, learning fascinating things about the animals and environment around us. We have also delved into the cultural side of life with visits to the museum and the art gallery where we broadened our minds and found awe in historical artifacts. We have managed to keep cool and even stay active in the heat of this summer. The gymnastics club is an all-time favorite destination and a huge hit for those who’ve never been before. Laughter, excitement and acrobatics took centre stage. The kids are enjoying their summer full of water play, slippin’ and slidin’ with their friends and with the promise of much more to come in August!


Preschool Summer Field Trips


Bean Exploration